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Ergoloid Mesylates

Developed by Albert Hofmann, Ergoloid Mesylates or co-dergocrine mesylate (better known for its brand name Hydergine) has been used for some time to helps relieve the symptoms of dementia. Other people also use this to help in the recovery after a stroke. What is Ergoloid Mesylates? Ergoloid ...

Developed by Albert Hofmann, Ergoloid Mesylates or co-dergocrine mesylate (better known for its brand name Hydergine) has been used for some time to ...


L-Tryptophan is an essential amino acid for all mammals, humans especially. For supplementation purposes, L-Tryptophan is produced industrially through a biosynthetic process, usually involving bacteria which synthesize L-Tryptophan naturally on their own. What is L-Tryptophan? L-Tryptophan ...

L-Tryptophan is an essential amino acid for all mammals, humans especially. For supplementation purposes, L-Tryptophan is produced industrially ...


Adrafinil and its metabolite, Modafinil, both form a new brand of stimulants called "Eugeroics". These eugeroic chemicals are unique because they act as stimulants while also promoting wakefulness in patients with sleep disorders like narcolepsy. Adrafinil is popular in Europe, but has yet to make ...

Adrafinil and its metabolite, Modafinil, both form a new brand of stimulants called "Eugeroics". These eugeroic chemicals are unique because they ...


Carnosine is a naturally-occurring chemical found throughout the body, and adding it as supplementation can have several benefits for the body. However, there is a lot more to learn about Carnosine, and research studies continue to unearth new interesting information on this nootropic. What is ...

Carnosine is a naturally-occurring chemical found throughout the body, and adding it as supplementation can have several benefits for the body. ...


Carnitine is an all-natural protein found in red meat, particularly lamb. Through brisk physical activity, the human body uses this protein to process body fat into energy. Carnitine is an essential component for powering a diverse range of operations in the body. What Is Carnitine? ...

Carnitine is an all-natural protein found in red meat, particularly lamb. Through brisk physical activity, the human body uses this protein to ...


Also known as oxiracetam, hydroxypiracetam is related to the racetam (ra-see-tam) group of nootropic drugs, the most commonly known being piracetam, aniracetam, and pramiracetam. It is not currently FDA approved in the United States but is used in many parts of Europe as a cognitive supplement. ...

Also known as oxiracetam, hydroxypiracetam is related to the racetam (ra-see-tam) group of nootropic drugs, the most commonly known being piracetam, ...

Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate (GHB)

Gamma-hydroxybutyrate, better known as GHB, is used medicinally for the treatment of narcolepsy, though it also has a dark side. GHB is classified as an illicit drug in many countries and is otherwise strictly regulated in the United States, Canada, most European countries, New Zealand, and ...

Gamma-hydroxybutyrate, better known as GHB, is used medicinally for the treatment of narcolepsy, though it also has a dark side. GHB is classified ...


Gabapentin, more popularly known by one of its brand names (Neurontin), is a pharmaceutical drug developed to cure epilepsy. Today, it has become a popular medication to help relieve neuropathic pain. There are issues however as to the reliability in addressing the latter. Gabapentin also has a ...

Gabapentin, more popularly known by one of its brand names (Neurontin), is a pharmaceutical drug developed to cure epilepsy. Today, it has become a ...


Developed by Albert Hofmann, Ergoloid Mesylates or co-dergocrine mesylate (better known for its brand name Hydergine) has been used for some time to helps relieve the symptoms of dementia. Other people also use this to help in the recovery after a stroke. What is Ergoloid Mesylates? Ergoloid ...

Developed by Albert Hofmann, Ergoloid Mesylates or co-dergocrine mesylate (better known for its brand name Hydergine) has been used for some time to ...


Draganon is a nootropic drug which has been tested on animals, elderly patients suffering from age-related diseases, and even healthy individuals, all with positive results. Currently, Draganon is available by prescription in Europe and is sold as a dietary supplement in the United States. What ...

Draganon is a nootropic drug which has been tested on animals, elderly patients suffering from age-related diseases, and even healthy individuals, ...


Cavinton is an extract from the Periwinkle plant and is used as a vasodilator and a nootropic by improving blood flow to the brain. It is also used heavily in Eastern Europe as a therapeutic treatment for stroke and other brain disorders. What is Cavinton? Cavinton has been ...

Cavinton is an extract from the Periwinkle plant and is used as a vasodilator and a nootropic by improving blood flow to the brain. It is also used ...


Attentil was a wonder drug when it was introduced in Europe as Fipexide in the 1980's, but newer, safer, more powerful drugs caused it to lose its relevancy over time. Despite all this, Attentil holds a place in history as one of the most influential nootropics of all time. What is Attentil? ...

Attentil was a wonder drug when it was introduced in Europe as Fipexide in the 1980's, but newer, safer, more powerful drugs caused it to lose its ...