
Carnosine is a naturally-occurring chemical found throughout the body, and adding it as supplementation can have several benefits for the body. However, there is a lot more to learn about Carnosine, and research studies continue to unearth new interesting information on this nootropic.
What is Carnosine?
Carnosine is a naturally found in muscle, the brain, kidneys, the liver, and other tissues throughout the body. A dipeptide is a combination of two amino acids, in this case beta-alanine and L-histidine, which are linked by a peptide bond. Carnosine is thought to have antioxidant and anti-aging properties as well as many other positive effects on the body.
A typical serving of red meat may contain around 250mg of Carnosine, though the body would typically degrade this amount before any significantly beneficial effects can be seen. Regular supplementation of about 1000mg per day would enable the levels of Carnosine in the blood to overwhelm the enzyme breakdown process and remain at consistent and beneficial levels.
Carnosine Benefits
Numerous scientific studies have shown Carnosine to have many beneficial effects. These benefits can range from topical use for wrinkle reduction, to protecting the brain from reactions that can lead to dementia. Research also indicates that its a powerful antioxidant properties can potentially lengthen life span. Although studies are still being conducted, results attained so far show that regular supplementation with Carnosine has the potential to:
- Protect the brain from proteins related to Alzheimer’s disease.
- Delay the aging process.
- Lengthen life expectancy.
- Inhibit hypertension and as a result, lower blood pressure elevations associated with obesity.
- Inhibit harmful metals in the body, which may lead to dementia.
- Protect cells from free radicals and damage caused by radiation.
- Reduce lethal glycation reactions.
- Reduce inflammation and promote healing.
- Promote cardiovascular health.
- Protect LDL cholesterol from oxidation and glycation.
- Prevent type 2 diabetes from developing.
- Interfere with the development of certain cancers.
- Rejuvenate the skin.
Carnosine Side Effects
Regular use of Carnosine is thought to be very safe. Few side effects have been reported when used within normal dose ranges. Doses may range from 50mg – 1000mg per day depending on factors such as age, health conditions, or a physician’s recommendation. It may possibly have a hyperactive effect on autistic children, though it is not known for certain at this time. Even though no adverse effects have been reported, it is recommended that women pregnant or nursing do not supplement with Carnosine until it’s effects on pregnancy are further known.
How Does Carnosine Help Brain Function?
Carnosine acts as more of a shield against potentially damaging brain conditions than a cognitive enhancer. It’s antioxidant properties protect the brain from the cross-linking proteins associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Because it also reduces the toxicity of metals found in the brain, it can help prevent the development of dementia. Since it has relatively low reported side effects and a host of protective effects, regular supplementation is highly recommended. Be sure to consult your doctor if you are unsure what dose of Carnosine may be right for you.
Wondering about which brain supplements contain Carnosine? Take a look at our brain supplement reviews!