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Siberian ginseng

The roots from Siberian ginseng plants contain a powerful natural substance that has many uses. From lessening the effects of Alzheimer's disease to treating insomnia to protecting the heart, Siberian ginseng is a helpful herb that is popular in many countries. What is Siberian ginseng? ...

The roots from Siberian ginseng plants contain a powerful natural substance that has many uses. From lessening the effects of Alzheimer's disease to ...

Phosphatidyl serine

Phosphatidylserine (often spelled as phosphatidylserine) is an essential chemical compound that is classified as a phospholipid; it is a critical component of the body's cell membrane, which surrounds each living cell. Phosphatidyl serine has been widely used for depression and declining mental ...

Phosphatidylserine (often spelled as phosphatidylserine) is an essential chemical compound that is classified as a phospholipid; it is a critical ...

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is one of the eight vitamins that make up the B-complex of vitamins. It is an important factor in building and maintaining a healthy central nervous system, including the brain. Vitamin B12 is also critical in the formation of red blood cells, which are used in virtually every ...

Vitamin B12 is one of the eight vitamins that make up the B-complex of vitamins. It is an important factor in building and maintaining a ...

Wellbutrin and Memory Loss

What is Wellbutrin®? Wellbutrin, or bupropion hydrochloride, is a popular antidepressant drug. It works by inhibiting norepinephrine and dopamine uptake. Unlike other antidepressants, it doesn't affect monoamine oxidase (MAOIs) or serotonin (SSRIs). It's generally prescribed to treat major ...

What is Wellbutrin®? Wellbutrin, or bupropion hydrochloride, is a popular antidepressant drug. It works by inhibiting norepinephrine and dopamine ...

Lyrica and Memory Loss

What is Lyrica®? An anticonvulsant and anti neuralgic, Lyrica, or pregabalin, is prescribed to help prevent certain types of seizures in some patients with epilepsy, and also to treat certain types of pain. Lyrica is effective in the treatment of nerve pain such as diabetes related pain, ...

What is Lyrica®? An anticonvulsant and anti neuralgic, Lyrica, or pregabalin, is prescribed to help prevent certain types of seizures in some ...

Statins and Memory Loss

What are Statins? Statins are a family of drugs used to help normalize cholesterol levels. Statins are plant-derived, and have proven extremely effective in reducing cholesterol levels and helping prevent heart disease. Some commonly prescribed drugs in this group include Lipitor®, Zocor®, and ...

What are Statins? Statins are a family of drugs used to help normalize cholesterol levels. Statins are plant-derived, and have proven extremely ...

What is Picamilon?

Picamilon is a chemical that is available as a dietary supplement in the US. It is believed to be useful in the treatment of migraines, and to be able to prevent memory loss and boost brain power. Picamilon is generally available in the form of tablets which are designed to be taken several ...

Picamilon is a chemical that is available as a dietary supplement in the US. It is believed to be useful in the treatment of migraines, and to be ...

Gotu Kola

In use for thousands of years in Asia, Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) is a leafy herb that is a member of the parsley family. Gotu Kola's traditional uses include promoting healing of wounds and resolving skin conditions, in addition to improving mental clarity. In more recent times, research ...

In use for thousands of years in Asia, Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) is a leafy herb that is a member of the parsley family. Gotu Kola's traditional ...

Carnosic acid

Carnosic acid is a phytochemical that occurs naturally in rosemary, the common culinary herb. Carnosic acid is also found to a lesser extent in another widely used herb, sage. According to studies conducted by U.S. and Japanese medical researchers, carnosic acid has powerful antioxidant properties ...

Carnosic acid is a phytochemical that occurs naturally in rosemary, the common culinary herb. Carnosic acid is also found to a lesser extent in ...

Huperzia Serrata

Huperzia serrata is a rare Chinese herb which contains a powerful alkaloid called Huperzine A (Hup A for short). According to studies, Hup A has been proven to be beneficial in protecting the brain, including slowing the progression of Alzheimer's disease. What is Huperzia Serrata? Huperzia ...

Huperzia serrata is a rare Chinese herb which contains a powerful alkaloid called Huperzine A (Hup A for short). According to studies, Hup A has ...


Choline is an essential nutrient that is usually classified with the B vitamins. The Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences recommends 425 to 550 milligrams of choline daily for adults as adequate intake. Research indicates that choline has ...

Choline is an essential nutrient that is usually classified with the B vitamins. The Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine of ...


Vinpocetine is a synthetic compound that is derived from a substance found in the leaves of the lesser periwinkle plant, which is also known as Vinca minor. Vinpocetine is a prescription drug in Japan and in Europe, but it is available without a prescription as a supplement in the United States ...

Vinpocetine is a synthetic compound that is derived from a substance found in the leaves of the lesser periwinkle plant, which is also known as ...