Medications and Memory Loss

Memory loss is a problem that affects millions of people throughout the world. Whether you or someone you love is suffering from slight memory loss (ex. Can’t remember where you put your keys) or serious memory loss (difficulty remembering important dates, names, etc), it’s important that you take immediate action to fight this severe condition. Believe it or not, memory loss isn’t something that you just have to deal with as you get older. It can be stopped.

What Causes Memory Loss?

Before we discuss solutions, it’s necessary to first identify what causes memory loss. Memory problems can be caused by any number of factors. Common causes include aging, dementia, depression, strokes, injuries, and alcohol abuse. Each of these causes can lead to anything from mild to severe memory loss. Again, it’s important to treat memory loss at the first sign of trouble.

Medications that Cause Memory Loss

But these aren’t the only causes of memory loss. Some individuals get memory problems as a result of side effects from their medication. While these side effects are usually rare, the simple truth is there are medications that cause memory loss in some patients. Remember, always discuss these potential side effects with your doctor before getting on these medications, and should you begin to experience memory loss, contact your doctor immediately.

Lipitor and Memory Loss

Lipitor is one of the most popular cholesterol treatments on the market. In fact, about 18 million people in the U.S. alone take Lipitor. Like most medications, there are potential side effects with Lipitor. One potential, but rare, side effect is memory loss. About 2 percent of the patients who’ve taken this cholesterol treatment have reported side effects that include memory loss. So, while it is rare, there is a potential link between Lipitor and memory loss.

Ambien and Memory Loss

Anyone who has trouble sleeping at night has heard of Ambien. This sleep aid is used by millions of Americans with sleeping disorders. Again, most Ambien side effects are highly rare, but there are cases of links between Ambien and memory loss. From loss of concentration to sleepwalking and not remembering it, there are cases where Ambien may have been responsible for memory loss. Again, these cases are not the norm, but it’s important to know about these side effects before beginning an Ambien regimen.

Statins and Memory Loss

Heart disease has become one of the leading causes of death in America. Millions of people suffer from high cholesterol, which can lead to heart attacks and other serious conditions. Statins are a popular treatment for high cholesterol. However, these highly effective cholesterol treatments have potential side effects. One rare, but serious, side effect is memory loss. If you believe you or someone you love is experiencing memory loss from a statin regimen, consult a physician immediately. Remember, don’t stop taking your medications until you talk with a doctor first.

Vitamins for Memory Loss

Thankfully, memory loss isn’t something you have to give in to. Today, there are many highly effective vitamins for memory loss available to help you increase your brain power safely and effectively. Look for products that contain supplements such as:

Many who’ve tried brain supplements report improved memory retention and a better ability to focus on daily tasks.Of course, you should always speak with your doctor before taking any vitamins for memory loss. Discuss brain supplements with your doctor to see if they are right for you. Furthermore, avoid untrustworthy supplements that lack any of the above botanicals and instead filled with “filler ingredients” such as picamilon, which has no verifiable research as a brain enhancing supplement.

You don’t have to be a victim of memory loss anymore! Read our detailed brain supplement reviews.