Ginkgo Biloba

The herbal supplement Ginkgo Biloba comes from the leaves of one of the oldest species of trees on earth, and humans have used it for medicinal purposes for centuries. According to studies, Ginkgo Biloba has proved successful in treating circulatory problems and as a memory enhancer. Supplements containing Ginkgo Biloba are among the top sellers in the United States and in Europe; Ginkgo Biloba is one of the most-prescribed medicines in both Germany and France.

What is Ginkgo Biloba?

Ginkgo Biloba is widely known for its properties as a “brain herb.” Researchers have confirmed that Ginkgo Biloba is a significant factor in enhancing cognitive functioning. Laboratory studies have identified over forty different components found in natural Ginkgo Biloba leaves, but the two with the most beneficial effects are flavonoids and terpenoids. Flavonoids are potent antioxidants, which neutralize damaging particles found in the body that are called free radicals. These free radicals increase in number when the body is exposed to environmental toxins and are dangerous because they can contribute to cell and DNA mutation, which leads to a number of serious diseases and medical conditions. Terpenoids benefit the body by improving the flow of blood; terpenoids serve to help improve the dilation of blood vessels and reduce the stickiness of platelets in the blood.

Ginkgo Biloba benefits

According to information published by the Medical Center at the University of Maryland, researchers and scientists have identified several beneficial properties associated with Ginkgo Biloba, including increased blood flow to the brain, blood vessel dilation, and a reduction in the stickiness of platelets in the blood.

Research has identified Ginkgo Biloba as a beneficial treatment for several other conditions and diseases, including:

  • Alzheimer’s Disease,
  • Cardiovascular Disease,
  • Dementia,
  • Depression,
  • Eye problems, including retinal issues and macular degeneration,
  • High Blood Pressure,
  • Intermittent Claudication, also known as pain due to inadequate blood flow to the legs,
  • Low Energy Levels,
  • Memory Impairment,
  • Mental Fatigue,
  • Menopause Symptoms, and
  • Tinnitus, which is the perception of sound in the ear when no external source is present.

Ginkgo Biloba side effects

The Mayo Clinic notes that Ginkgo Biloba is generally well tolerated. However, due to Ginkgo Biloba’s properties in increasing blood flow, the herb should be used with caution by patients currently taking anticoagulant therapy and discontinued at least two days prior to some dental or surgical procedures. Ginkgo Biloba is not recommended for children under the age of 12 or for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

In a few rare cases, patients reported dizziness, headaches, gastrointestinal upsets, and skin reactions from Ginkgo Biloba.

How does Ginkgo Biloba help brain function?

Ginkgo Biloba is a prime ingredient that is helpful in boosting brain power, and as such, is found in a number of supplements which aim to promote the healthful functioning of the brain. According to studies, Ginkgo Biloba accomplishes this by enhancing the delivery of nutrients and oxygen directly to the brain. Want to know more about brain supplements that contain Ginkgo Biloba? Read our detailed product reviews!