Brain Power
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Work Smarter Not Harder

With the complexity of today's world, everybody could use a bit more efficiency, more focus, and the ability to handle all the demands of everyday life. Stress levels are high, competition is fierce, and any edge we can get might make the difference between a raise or a promotion and unemployment. ...

With the complexity of today's world, everybody could use a bit more efficiency, more focus, and the ability to handle all the demands of everyday ...

Unbelievable Feats of Brain Power

Just as some people can demonstrate great feats of physical prowess, there are those who can perform phenomenal feats of brain power. Read about Brad Williams, the "human encyclopedia" with photographic recall of autobiographical events who is being studied by University of ...

Just as some people can demonstrate great feats of physical prowess, there are those who can perform phenomenal feats of brain power. Read ...

Brain Power: 10 Tips to Maximize Your Mental Functioning

Most people assume that as they get older, their brain becomes weaker. They believe it's just a natural part of aging and there is nothing they can do about it. As it turns out, that might not be true after all. Many of the world's top scientists believe there are several things you can do to keep ...

Most people assume that as they get older, their brain becomes weaker. They believe it's just a natural part of aging and there is nothing they can ...

Brad Williams’ Incredible Memory of Autobiographical Events

Brad Williams is a living example of incredible feats of brain power. Williams, a 51-year-old radio news reporter from Wisconsin, has an ability that few people in the world share: he is able to accurately remember the specific dates and circumstances of news events, weather conditions, and ...

Brad Williams is a living example of incredible feats of brain power. Williams, a 51-year-old radio news reporter from Wisconsin, has an ...

Boy Genius, 6, Demonstrates Remarkable Brain Power

Pop quiz: name all of the U.S. presidents in the order they served. Now, say the alphabet backward, and then tell me which day of the week March 19, 2001 fell on. And for good measure, list all 50 states in alphabetical order. Can’t do it? What if I told you a 6 year old boy could ace this quiz? ...

Pop quiz: name all of the U.S. presidents in the order they served. Now, say the alphabet backward, and then tell me which day of the week March 19, ...

AJ: Profile of a Woman With Superior Memory

In many ways, 40-year-old AJ appears to be an everyday woman. She is married, employed, and enjoys spending time with friends. AJ has one characteristic, however, that makes her truly unique--her memory is practically flawless. AJ (a pseudonym used to protect her anonymity) is able to recall dates ...

In many ways, 40-year-old AJ appears to be an everyday woman. She is married, employed, and enjoys spending time with friends. AJ has one ...

10 Amazing Brain Facts!

The brain is a complex and fascinating organ. Serving as the command center for the body's nervous system, the brain supplies human beings with an extraordinary amount of physical and cognitive abilities. This relatively small organ is capable of even more than most people are aware of! Gain a ...

The brain is a complex and fascinating organ. Serving as the command center for the body's nervous system, the brain supplies human beings with an ...

Increase Brain Power and Climb the Corporate Ladder

Do you ever feel like you can't quite keep up with your job? Like if you could just concentrate a little harder and bring thing into focus, you could organize the demands on your time better and maybe impress the boss enough to get that raise you need, or even a promotion? If only there were a ...

Do you ever feel like you can't quite keep up with your job? Like if you could just concentrate a little harder and bring thing into focus, you ...