
Ginkgo extract has been marketed for many years as one of the most potent and effective herbal supplements you can take to improve memory, brain function, and overall mental clarity. And the ...
Ginkgo extract has been marketed for many years as one of the most potent and effective herbal supplements you can take to improve memory, brain function, and overall mental clarity. And the ...
All of us want to stay healthy and grow old gracefully. We all search for the eternal fountain of youth, although it seems we're not searching in the right place. Although we want a healthy ...
Most of us will experience the state of “old age.” It is a state that no one is especially excited about. All we have to do is look around and see the devastating effects that this part of ...
For centuries people have used different plants and other elements found in nature to heal themselves. Eastern culture continues to use these ancient remedies and in most parts of Asia they ...
Dilantin is a popular type of anticonvulsant drug. It is often prescribed to people who regularly suffer from seizures, or patients who have recently undergone brain surgery or surgery on ...
It was in the 1960s that scientist Joseph Knoll discovered Selegiline, which is more popularly known by its brand name Eldepryl. He had been investigating the physiological differences between ...
Scientists used to believe that the brain was a very rigid thing. The brain you were born with was the brain you had to deal with your whole life. Recent research, however, now contradicts ...
In recent years, neuroscientists have discovered one very important truth about the human brain: if you don't use it, you lose it. And they mean that literally, too. If you don't use certain ...
Is concentration becoming a problem for you? As we age, we sometimes lose the ability to focus and concentrate as well as we could when we were younger. And if the problem becomes severe ...
There are lots of different brain-enhancing drugs - commonly referred to as "nootropics" - coming into the marketplace today. Many of them promise to enhance your cognitive function in a ...
Nootropics are a new and growing trend in the health and wellness industry. Supplement manufacturers are experimenting with different herbs and botanical extracts in order to create formulas ...
Nootropics are a difficult type of supplement to categorize due to the fact that they can serve so many functions. Some of them focus on helping you improve your memory. Others make the ...