Constant Focus

Your brain is working around the clock to ensure your body carries out its necessary functions. With your brain consuming about 20% of your body's energy, it's easy to see the toll this can ...
Your brain is working around the clock to ensure your body carries out its necessary functions. With your brain consuming about 20% of your body's energy, it's easy to see the toll this can ...
Focus Factor is a supplement created to help the brain function more effectively. These pills contain a unique mixture of natural ingredients–minerals, omega-3 oils, vitamins, and botanical ...
Attend is unlike many of the other brain support supplements we often see. Rather than marketing itself to improve memory, Attend is touted specifically as a product to correct ADD and ...
It is well known that with age people are not as quick when it comes to remembering certain things like when they were younger, whether you forgot the name of a movie you just saw or you blank ...
Believe it or not, nootropics have actually been around since 1972. But it's only within the last few years that the mainstream of our culture even heard of the word "nootropic", much less ...
The makers of Iceland Health play up the fact that Icelanders have the longest life expectancy and best health in the world (according to their website.) In light of this, they claim their ...
Adderall is a stimulant made from amphetamine salts. It is used as a prescription treatment for narcolepsy in quick-release doses and ADHD in extended-release form. What is Adderall? ...
There are several supplements and herbs on the market today that claim to improve memory loss and increase brain power. One such herb on the market today called Ashwaganda (also spelled ...
Attend is a supplement marketed to support those with attention difficulties. The product is based on homeopathic medicinal practices, meaning it takes a more natural approach in its ...
BioTRUST blames most people's mental sluggishness, compromised memory, and general fatigue on a concept they have labeled "Brain Drain". The manufacturers of BioTRUST blame this drain on ...
BrainQuicken, also known as BodyQuick, is a supplement for the brain that claims to improve things like study skills, athletic performance, and sharpening memory. It allegedly helps the brain ...
One of the best kept secrets about the human anatomy is the brain. We all know we have one and we know we use it, but how it actually works is still a mystery, although new research is getting ...